© A.W.Marczewski 2002

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Search for Papers & Journals:
(Use Publishers' & Journal pages)

Elsevier Science:
(NL site here) with Scirus (sci. search engine), Scopus (sci. abstracts/indexing database), Author Gateway and Journals (e.g. Colloids and Surfaces A and B, Applied Surface Science, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Chemical Engineering Science, Computers & Chemistry (curr. Computational Biology and Chemistry) , Thin Solid Films, Carbon, Chemical Physics etc.)
Elsevier's ScienceDirect server (with Chemistry Corner), ChemWeb.COM (ChemWeb.com was moved to ChemIndustry.com Inc.)
Academic Press (e.g. Journal of Colloid and Interface Sci.) / Harcourt Intl. /

Mirrors of ScienceDirect and ISI at ICM UW:
Virtual Library System server at ICM UW, Poland (contains a link to ScienceDirect database mirror at ICM UW)
A server of ISI Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded, SCI-Ex) at ICM UW Poland

Ingenta, IngentaSelect and IngentaConnect - articles online access/search (Ingenta)

American Chemical Society (ACS):
ACS Chemistry Portal (new ACS's Chemistry.org portal), ACS Journals (e.g. Langmuir, Journal of Physical Chemistry) and CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) with CAS SciFinder, ChemPort and other goodies.

Royal Society of Chemistry:
RSC Journals (e.g. J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans. - currently Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, PCCP) or ChemSoc Network

AIP (American Inst. of Physics) and APS (American Physical Soc.):
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD) and Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) VJS (Virtual Journals in Sci.&Technol.)
APS Journals (PROLA, Phys.Rev. ...)

IoP (Inst. of Physics)
IoP's electronic journals (journal list )

Springer Science Online (e.g. Mh. Chemie) with LINK to online libraries etc.
M.Dekker online
Wiley and Wiley Interscience (Wiley OnLine)
Kluwer Academic Publishers with Kluwer Journals
McGraw-Hill Professional Bookstore
Adsorption Sci. & Technol. Journal by Multi-Science Publishing
World Scientific with WorldSciNet Journals: JTCC (J. of Theor.& Computational Chem.), IJN (Intl. J. of Nanoscience)
VSP Intl. Sci. Publishers with Journals (subsidiary of Brill Academic Publishers)
www.EDPSciences.org (EDP Sciences, Sci Publisher of and journals).

Pergamon Press?
Cambridge University Press (CUP in USA) with Journals online
Oxford University Press (UK site) with Journals

CRC Press Online (CRC Press, Chapman&Hall, etc.) - publishers of "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics", "Merck Index" etc. / CRC Journals / CRCnet BASE with Chapman's CHEMnet BASE

MacMillan group: MacMillan Publishers, Nature Publishing Group (Nature, Nature Materials, href="http://www.nature.com/chemistry/" target="_blank">Nature Chemistry ...)
Scientific American
PNAS Online (Proc. of National Academy of Sciences, USA)
The Scientist
Wolfram Research (famous Mathematica system with Resource Library) (Web Resources, WolframScience ScienceWorld ...)
American Institute of Physics (AIP) (journals, e.g J.Chem.Phys., Chaos or J.Phys.&Chem. Reference Data)
ChemFinder and ChemNews from CambridgeSoft

IJC (Internet Journal of Chemistry

IDG (computer journals/books publisher - also in Poland)

Polish Journals:
Published by Polish Chemical Society (PTChem): Polish Journal of Chemistry, Wiadomosci Chemiczne (in Polish and English), Chemical Analysis (Chemia Analityczna) (in English, formerly in Polish), Chemik sci-tech monthly (in Polish)
University Publications: IKA (Internet Academic Bookstore), Annales UMCS
General Chemistry Info and Educational Resources,
Chemistry and ChemInformatics Links:
my Chemical Resources with e.g. links to various Periodic Tables of Elements
see also: ADSORPTION.ORG links with Portals, Databases etc.
More Info:
List of publishers/libraries etc. (SBU.AC.UK)
Other PUBLISHERS (books etc. - not only scientific).
On-Line Libraries etc.
Carnegie Mellon Univ. Universal Library Books Collection (with e.g. Numerical Recipes On-Line)
Libweb - Library WWW Servers (Berkeley Digital Library)

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My papers

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Send a message to Adam.Marczewski AT@AT umcs.lublin.pl
