© A.W.Marczewski 2002
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Chemical Resources:
see also:
Paper/Journal Search Page |
Programming Resources |
General Chemistry (
Periodic Tables |
Properties ) |
ChemInformatics |
News |
Chemical resources
- General Chemistry
- General
Periodic Tables of Elements
Properties of substances
- Particular problems
- ChemInformatics and Chemical Software
- Chem- & BioInformatics sites:
- MolInspiration ChemInformatics/ChemoInformatics site with JME Molecular Editor
- Bioinformatics.org
- Bio-IT World Technology for Life Sciences (IDG.net)>
- Open Bioinformatics Foundation (open-bio.org)
- bioperl.org dev. of open source Perl tools for bioinformatics, genomics and life science research (analogous: biojava.org etc.)
- CCL (Computational; Chemistry List)
- MGMS (Molecular Graphics Modeling Soc.)
- LSR (Life Sciences Research) (goal: improve communication and interoperability among computational resources in LSR) within OMG (Object Management Group)
- CHI (Cambridge Health Institute) and CHI's Intelligent Drug Discovery and Development Conf. (with ChemInformatics)
- Chem/Bioinformatics at BMDRC (Bioinformatics & Molec. Design Res. Center, Korea)
- Informatics Core Lab of
Beckman Res.Inst. (CRIIS Knowledge Net, City of Hope)
- ChemInformatics (Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics, Cambridge Univ., UK)
- ChemInformatics (Trinity Univ.)
- ChemInt (Chemistry and the Internet, Georgetown Univ.)
- CBCG (Centre for BioInformatics and Computational Genomics, Berkeley)
- NCBI (Natl. Center for Biotechnol. Information, Natl. Library of Medicine, NIH, USA)
- Science (Chem- & BioInformatics, Computational Chem. ...) within NetSci.org (Network of Science) (seems a bit old)
- bioinformatik.de bioinformatics resources
- GenomeWeb news & portal
- BioVista publishes information resources for biotechnology
- documentarea.com (UK QSAR and Informatics group documents)
- ChemInformaticsCentre - Institute of ChemInformatics Studies (Delhi, India)
- ChemLab (Lab. of Computer Chemistry, Shanghai, China)
- Software Companies/Links:
- R&D-related etc. Companies:
- SciTegic - data mining, pipelining, analysis in drug discovery
- gvk bioSciences (Informatics - Chem- & Bioinformatics, Medicinal Chemistry, Process R&D, Pre-Clinical Development and Clinical Trials)
- SciQuest - accelerating discovery by integrating the Innovation Supply Chain.
- BioSupplyNet - supply portal
- InfoMaker Inc. Informatics, Analytics, Data Warehouse ... consulting (with Bio- & ChemInformatics)
- BioPlanet - BioInformatics Jobs, Forums etc.
- Specs chemistry services related to drug discovery
- ScientistHQ - drug discovery and development company (IndiaHQ Solutions)
- Aurora Fine Chemicals - novel syntheses, R&D etc.
- Daylight Chemical Information Systems
- Chrysalon with resources/libraries in ChemoInformatics, Diversity Generation and Medicinal Chemistry + Chemical Breeding technology
- Chemistry News
- Various
- Labware
- Sci. Instruments
- Various
General Chemistry (
Periodic Tables |
Properties ) |
ChemInformatics |
News |
Main page
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