© A.W.Marczewski 2002
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IT (FAQs | Education, Tutorials>)
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General IT resources
- General IT resources (more in PC resources)
Education / Learning / Tutorials
Math and Prog Resources
- Mathematical Resources
- Mathematical & Programming Resources
- Mathematical Databases, Software and Tools at NIST (US Natl.Inst.Stds.Technol.)
- NHSE (National HPCC Software Exchange) (HPCC is High Performance Computing and Communication)
- Numerical Recipes home (famous books on numerical procedures in Fortran, Pascal, Basic and C++) with NR Forum and Numerical Recipes Books On-Line
- Carnegie Mellon Univ. Universal Library Books Collection (with e.g. Numerical Recipes On-Line)
- Numerical Recipes On-line (Los Alamos Natl. Lab.)
- Alternatives to Numerical Recipes
- Netlib.org - collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases
- Mathtools.net (technical computing portal with e.g. Excel, MATLAB, VB, Sci. C/C++, Fortran, Java) of MathWorks (maker of MatLab and SimuLink)
- TOMS math software resources, ACM's TOMS (Association for Computing Machinery, Transactions on Math.Software), NIST
ACM Portal
- MathsNet.net (maths and prog educational site)
- Wolfram Web Resources (e.g. MathWorld, MathMLCentral, Functions, WolframScience, ScienceWorld)
- Mathematics.com - showcase of mathematical software
- Programming/Developer Resources
- SciTools.com - "Understand for ..." tools: parse Ada, Fortran, C/C++, and Java source code to reverse engineer, document, ... navigate and maintain source code
- Planet Source Code (public source code database, 11 languages including C/C++, .NET, VB, Java/JavaScript, ASP, Delphi, PHP, Perl)
- CodeGuru.com - C/C++, Vis.C++, .NET, VB, Java etc. (part of developer.com)
- CashCowScripts.com (money-making scripts)
- TopXML.com
- CodeProject.com
- VisualBuilder.com
- www.ZVON.org
- ASPAlliance.com
- DevGuru.com
- developer.com - part of EarthWeb channel
- EarthWeb is a channel of internet.com
- theFreeCountry.com - free programming resources (classic comp. and web dev.)
- Free Pascal, Free Fortran resources on FreeProgrammingResources.com
- Free Pascal and fpk resources on GNU.org (FSF, Free Software Foundation)
- WatFor77 resources (Sybase's archive)
- Sun Product Doc. - search for various (e.g. Fortran) documentation
- VB-Bookmark - directory of programming resources (VB, C++, Delphi, ActiveX, Fortran etc.)
- Compilers.net with various resources/links
- Free Pascal WebRing
- Free Pascal WebRings hub
- ProgrammersHeaven.com
- Programmers.com - Programmer's Paradise (software + hardware)
- comp.compilers - Compilers newsgroup (IECC)
- software listing (e.g. programming languages, Fortran etc.) (Dept.Economics, Connecticut Univ.)
- GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) home page
- Alan J. Miller's Fortran 90 page (alt site)
- Fortran links (W-Y. Loh; Dept. of Statistics, Wisconsin-Madison Univ.)
- Dat-F: Tools and Links at Niels Bohr Inst., Copenhagen Univ.)
- Programming section of Free Downloads Center
- Programming section of freeservers.com
- FreeTechBooks free OnLine Tutorials/Books - programming languages (C/C++, Java, Perl ...), OS's, various IT-problems (at TCFB)
- FreeCodeMomma.com - Web dev resources
- Cafe Devweb web dev resources with learning resources (Chris Beaumont)
- links to reusable software components (Dan's page on NPSnet)
- MGNet (repository of multigrid, multilevel, multiscale, aggregation, defect correction, and domain decomposition methods: science and engineering) with free software
- Programming links (T. Ruedas, Frankfurt Univ.)
- free source code Fortran 2000 examples (GNU GPL) and links (PSCS Inc.)
- Fortran links (S.J. Chapman "F90/95 for Scientists and Engineers", McGraw Hill)
- Books on Fortran on Science-Books.net and Scientific-Computing.info
- DevLibrary (links, documentation, tutorials, books on various programming languages, development issues) on VirtualAve.net
- WebDev Index (web development and programming link database)
- Web Ware Index with programming tutorials (e.g. Fortran) and other web development and programming links
- DEVELOPERfusion.com (Internet, programming, books etc.)
- CodeArchive - VB, Java, JavaScript, Tcl/Tk, Delphi, C/C++, ASP, Perl, PHP etc. source codes
- Kylecordes.com (Java, Delphi, BDE, C++Builder, JBuilder ...)
- Knowledge Base of irt.org (Internet Related Technologies)
- WebhostingSchool site - html, scritping languages etc.
- expertsXexchange with Web Development Area
- advisor.com with many portals (e.g. linuxadvisor.com), zones (e.g. officetechadvisor.com) and magazines
- TheSoftwareDirectory.com
- ASPin.com (ASP Resource Index)
- CodeStore.net
- WinSite.com with
TechCenter (programming, drivers, graphics, Java/JavaScript etc.)
- JustPhukit! searchable dir of tech-articles tutorials (e.g. JavaScript tutorials) etc.
- javaalmanac.com - examples from Java Developers Almanac 1.4 book
- 1000files.com with e.g. Web Authoring
- WPDFD.com (Web Page Desing for Designers)
- evolt.org (web developer community) with discussion lists
- FreeSkills.com with Online Training and Tutorials (e.g. JavaScript, HTML)
- distributed.net
- Bugzilla.org (bug tracking system, free and open software)
- OSDN.com (Open Source Development Network, Inc):
Devchannel / freshmeat / Geocrawler / Linux.com / NewsForge / Slashdot / SourceForge / MediaBuilder / ThinkGeek / Animation Factory
- DevShed.com - programming, scripts, databases etc. with DevShed Forums (Open Source Web Development Site)
- p2p.wrox.com (programmers resource centre) (Wiley)
- DownLoad32.com (download software archive)
- WiserWays Resources with e.g. JavaScript links
- EnterpriseCore.com (JPowered)
- Web1001.com (web resource)
- ProgrammersHelp.com (PHP, HTML, SQL, Java, JavaScript ...)
- ProgrammersHelp.co.uk (programming, scripting etc. resources)
- ProgrammingSite.co.uk programming resources
- Tek-tips.com Forum
- Extreme VisualBasicForum.com
- Webmaster resources, CGI scripts etc. on SimplyTheBest.net
- NibbleGuru.com
- WindowsPC.com (news, software)
- <Defusion> (ColdFusion Resource)
- SQLcourse.com (Jupitermedia)
- Technical-Outsourcing.com
- SitePointForums.com (articles/books/forums on site design, site programming, web hosting etc. for webmasters: e.g. programming in Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, SQL ...)
- www.programming.net/forums - community hangout
- GlobalShareware.com - software dev. section
- Starlink Project - interactive data reduction and analysis tools for use in astronomy (Rutherford Appleton Lab.) with: Starlink Cookbooks (e.g. C-shell, Spectroscopy, Data reduction, Graphics, Theory and modelling html/pdf, ...), Java software ...
- IT links (St. Joseph Univ.)
- HTML, Perl, Java etc. at ZingTech.com
- QB45.com and QB45.net QBasic/QuickBasic sites and portal - various sections (e.g. Perl), QBasicNews.com
- TrueTech.com and TrueDeveloper.com portals
- Softpanorama.org: Open Source Software Educational Society (various programming issues, e.g. scripting)
- CodeZone (MS Access, Visual Basic, JavaScript, HTML)
- Code Hound - Software Developer's Search Engine
- Free VB Code
- HTML Tutorial by K.Ross (a bit old but quite nice)
- InvalidDomain.com portal (quite new and empty yet)
- CoverPages.org (MarkUp Languages' resources) with Language Identifiers
- hwg.org (HTML Writers Guild) with WWW Development Resources
- www.htmldog.com - HTML and CSS with Guides and links
- www.AListApart.com Magazine for web creators (HTML, CSS etc.)
- gzip.org (GZIP is a free compression software, GNU project: GNU.org, FSF, Free Software Foundation)
- ----------- Polish --------------
- Numerical links within links (A. Pownuk, Silesian Tech.Univ.)
- 4programmers.net - Delphi, Pascal, C++, SSI (PHP, MySQL), Java ...
Web statistics
Info / OnLine computer magazines
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Math |
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