© A.W.Marczewski 2002
A Practical Guide to Isotherms of ADSORPTION on Heterogeneous Surfaces
Data analysis - isotherm-specific methods
(some ideas)
Data analysis - isotherm-specific methods:
Linear plots: L / Everett / BET / LF / GL / Jov / F / DR / DA / HJ / FHH
Try simple linear dependencies using only experimental adsorption and concentration (or their functions, e.g. logarithms) - methods are equation-specific and you must decide what type of equation should be checked (details of isotherm-specific linear plots):Linear φ-plots: RP / Jos / exp / GL / LF / Jov / F / DR / DA
Use a so-called: φ-function method (where φ = ∂ log(a)/ ∂ log(c)) (derivative of adsorption isotherm in logarithmic co-ordinates). φ-function is a dimensionless (independent of adsorption and concentration/pressure units as well as independent of type of logarithm you use). Various plots of φ-function versus adsorption, pressure etc. allow to determine isotherm type and isotherm parameters (or sometimes at least to reject some existing choices) (Here are model pictures)
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